“What Can I Eat?”

March is National Nutrition Month, an educational campaign focusing on eating nourishing meals. What we eat can significantly increase or decrease our risk factors for disease. We are often bombarded by a variety of diet programs that aim to improve our health. Making sense of them all can become a daunting task. Adventist Vegetarian Diabetics™ … Continue reading “What Can I Eat?”

Proof of the pudding

Sometimes you hear someone say, "The proof is in the pudding." The saying is actually, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." If you like pudding, you'll love these low-carb pudding and custard recipes. Check them out at https://adventistvegetariandiabetics.com/other-resources/recipes/recipe-categories/desserts/puddings-custard/. If you got this email from someone who forwarded it to you, please consider … Continue reading Proof of the pudding

McDougall Diet

One struggling diabetic wrote the following post: "I was watching YouTube the other night. Maybe someone can help me understand. This John McDougall guy is pushing eating potatoes, rice, and corn to cure his [diabetic] patients. His idea is that meat and oils are bad for diabetics because it clogs the arteries with fat which … Continue reading McDougall Diet

National Blueberry Month

Enjoy fresh, organic blueberries (preferably locally grown) in an amount that meets your dietary protocol for carbohydrates. July is National Blueberry Month. https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-july-belongs-to-blueberries-month-july/ Sponsored by the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, an agriculture promotion group made up of blueberry farmers, processors, and importers in North and South America, who work together to research, innovate, and promote the … Continue reading National Blueberry Month

U.S. Independence Day

If you are celebrating the United States Independence Day (July 4), here's a delicious diabetic-friendly cake you can make for your holiday picnic! If you celebrate any patriotic holiday (for any country or state that uses the red, white, and blue colors), you can make this cake! Here are the recipes: Keto Vanilla Cake https://www.lowcarbspark.com/keto-vanilla-cake/Continue reading U.S. Independence Day

What Can I Eat for Breakfast?

Breakfast can be a challenge when we start to eat low carb, especially when you have eliminated "traditional" breakfast foods (cereal, oatmeal, toast, muffins, bagels, sweet rolls, etc. which are all high-carb choices.) The answer depends, first of all, on your dietary lifestyle and, next, on your diabetes dietary protocol. Yes, for lacto-ovo vegetarians, there … Continue reading What Can I Eat for Breakfast?

Fresh Non-starchy Vegetable Month

This week will end The 30-day Richard Osborn Challenge. How did you do? Did you achieve your goals? If so, you are successful! June is Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Month, but we're going to make it Fresh Non-starchy Vegetable Month for diabetics, since most fruit is too high in carbohydrate (sugar in the form of … Continue reading Fresh Non-starchy Vegetable Month

Review Your Diabetes Dietary Protocol

You have completed 3 weeks of The 30-day Richard Osborn Challenge. Good job! This is a good time to review your diabetes dietary protocol. Are you eating low-carb high-fat or low-carb high-protein? Are you eating high-carb low-fat whole-food dietary vegan? What is working for you to manage/ control/ prevent diabetes? If your way of eating … Continue reading Review Your Diabetes Dietary Protocol