The purpose of this group is to provide support, encouragement, affirmation, and information for diabetics who are also vegetarian and Seventh-day Adventist. You do not necessarily have to be a current or former Adventist to join, nor vegetarian (though you should know that Adventists do not eat pork or shellfish, among other flesh foods described in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14). And you do not necessarily have to be diabetic though you may have an interest in preventing diabetes or in helping a friend or family member with diabetes. Or you may consider yourself to be pre-diabetic, ex-diabetic, or a recovering diabetic.


The group is a Closed Group; only members can post and read others’ posts. When you submit a request to join this group (or if you are suggested by a current member), Facebook will send you a message asking you to answer three (3) questions:

  1. Are you a diabetic, pre-diabetic, at risk for diabetes, or have a diabetic family member or friend? If none of the above, please tell us why you are interested in joining this group.
  2. Do you understand that Seventh-day Adventists may be dietary vegans, lacto-ovo vegetarians, or non-vegetarians who eat only “clean” meat/fish as described in Leviticus and Deuteronomy?
  3. Will you read the Group Description (in “About”) and are you willing to comply with the Basic Guidelines? If you do not want to answer all (or any) of the questions, please remove your request to join.
    If I don’t get a response from you within 48 hours, I will delete your request. I will also delete your request:
  • If your Facebook profile is in a non-English language that we can’t read
  • If you do not have any way for me to Private Message you
  • If you have only been a Facebook member for a month and are already in 200+ groups


Welcome! Please feel free to share as much (or as little) about your experience as you wish, and to ask questions, make comments, or share diabetic-friendly recipes that have worked for you.

Check out the “Files” section for this group.
TO FIND THE FILES – Find the horizontal navigation bar under the banner header, slide it to the left until you see the link to FILES on the right. If you don’t see it, look in the dropdown under “More…”

Browse the Guides for topics that are of interest to you.

We encourage you to subscribe to our blog at

And please take time to visit the information pages in our public website at:

If you are newly diagnosed, you might want to peruse the About Diabetes page at

You can read our Core Values at

There’s a good summary of Dietary Approaches to Diabetes Management at

Finally, you may want to read some of the Success Stories we have collected at

Best wishes on your Adventist Vegetarian Diabetic journey!


  1. Getting all posts and comments

When you join Adventist Vegetarian Diabetics, we hope you will turn on All Notifications, because we want you to be able to comment on your experience(s) and opinions, and participate in challenges and polls. We also hope you will follow our public blog at

2. Recipes with unclean meat

This should be obvious, but please do not share recipes, photos, or meal plans with unclean meat (pork, shellfish, etc.) UNLESS you give a clean meat or vegetarian alternative for an ingredient. If in doubt, please private message an Admin.

3. Share what works for YOU

We are always interested in knowing what our members do to improve their diabetic health, and we want to hear YOUR success stories! Always with the understanding that what works for one may not work for everyone.

4. If you post something, please DO NOT DELETE YOUR POST!

The reason for this is that someone may respond to your post with valuable information, not only for you but for others as well. And if you delete *your* post you are also deleting that valuable information!

5. Be kind and respectful

This group is for the purpose of support, affirmation, and information about diabetes. It is NOT a platform for political or religious debates. You are not allowed to mock, demean, or belittle anyone else for any reason. Becoming argumentative with an Admin (or anyone else) is grounds for removal from the group. Rude comments or behavior will not be tolerated.

6. “Adding” members

Please feel free to share this Facebook group with anyone you know who you think might be interested. Any member may “add” a new member, but potential members have to be approved by an Admin AND they have to answer the three (3) questions. If you “add” a member, please be sure to contact that member and tell them they are required to answer the three questions. We will not add someone without their explicit permission.

7. Sharing links to articles, videos, or other sites

If you share a link to an article, blog, site, or YouTube channel, please share only what has to do with diabetes, with other physical conditions related to or affected by diabetes, or with cultural Adventism related to health.

8. No spam or selling allowed

Any member who posts spam or attempts to sell products will have their post deleted and will be banned permanently from the group. If you see such a post, please do NOT “Like” it. Please “Report to Admin” immediately! (But do NOT report to Facebook as that could result in getting our group shut down.)

9. If you are unhappy with the group for any reason

Please just leave quietly or turn off notifications. Do NOT block an Admin as that action will get you banned permanently from the group. We are not an airport; you do not need to announce your departure.


The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained here (the “Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The Content is not suitable for self-administration without regular monitoring by a qualified medical doctor in a supervised program. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in our Content.


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