Intermittent Fasting

April 30 is National Day of Fasting and Prayer, proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln on March 30, 1863. So it seems appropriate to focus on Intermittent Fasting during the month of April.

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern in which you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. “Intermittent” simply means “not continuous.” It’s intermittent because the fast is less than 24 hrs. Otherwise, 24 hours or more would be “Extended Fasting.” You can do intermittent fasting every day (every 24-hour period) if you want to because you are breaking the fast for your food window. The most simplistic explanation of intermittent fasting is nothing (except water) between supper and breakfast. No bedtime snacking!

If you didn’t know that Ellen White supports what we now call Intermittent Fasting, I recommend two excellent articles by author Dr. DeWitt S. Williams who was diagnosed as diabetic and details his research and personal testimony.

More on intermittent fasting on our website:

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Adventist Vegetarian Diabetics™ Recipe Book was published in April 2023. It can be found on Amazon at ( in both Kindle and paperback formats.

Our classic book, Adventist Vegetarian Diabetics, 2nd Edition, was published in May 2023. It can be found on Amazon at ( in both Kindle and paperback formats.

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