The winter holidays are typically very stressful. For a variety of reasons. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas is frequently the most stressful time of the year for many people. There are school, work, and church programs, parties, and family gatherings, often involving food and, unfortunately for diabetics, the worst possible foods for diabetes control! For many, this season involves packing and traveling to distant locations, or frantic cleaning and decorating one’s home to receive long-distance visitors. So we’re going to take the first three (3) weeks in December to de-stress as much as possible. That is enough of a challenge!

But first, let’s check your progress:

December 1 – Check Your Progress

Goal: To measure and evaluate your progress.

  • Check and record your
    • Weight and body measurements
    • Clothes sizes (shirt/top, dress, skirt, pants, shoes, underwear)
    • Blood pressure and heart rate
  • Compare to the first day of the previous months.
  • Compare your daily average blood glucose for the previous months.

Now, move ahead to the December challenges!