Create a Food List and Meal Plans

Goals: To explore and collect recipes using real food ingredients that are acceptable for YOU. And then to create a one- or two-week meal plan using the recipes and foods that you have determined are the best choices for YOU. Many times members will ask us for an approved food list or for a diabetic-friendly … Continue reading Create a Food List and Meal Plans

Eat to Your Meter

The phrase, "eat to your meter," means using your glucose meter to help you determine what foods/beverages you can consume that will not harm your diabetic body. Goal: To eliminate (abstain from) foods that cause blood glucose spikes. Here’s how to test for a specific food, recipe, or meal: Baseline: Test pre-meal to get a fasting … Continue reading Eat to Your Meter

The Art of Abstaining

Moderation vs. Portion Control One of my pet peeves is the cliché, "Everything in moderation." Is domestic violence okay in moderation? Never! How about bank robbery in moderation? Absolutely not! We diabetics would like to think we can eat anything as long as it's "in moderation." But that is simply not true! "In moderation" is … Continue reading The Art of Abstaining

Start a Detailed Food Journal

In the week between Christmas and New Year's, you evaluated your diabetic health and practices over the past year, and you wrote out your Goals/Objectives ("What do you want to accomplish (and by when)?") and Strategies ("What do you plan to do in order to accomplish that?"). If you wanted to track your progress, you … Continue reading Start a Detailed Food Journal