Goal/Objective: To establish a daily routine of physical activity within your individual scope of mobility.
Time Frame: Ongoing for the rest of your life! Which, of course, will be longer because you exercise.

If you are taking these five essential habits in consecutive order, you will continue to monitor your blood glucose daily, drink your optimum amount of water every day, eliminate sugar in all its forms, continue eating whole-food non-starchy vegetables instead of processed foods, and add a daily physical activity.

What is the best exercise to reverse or prevent diabetes?

The answer: any exercise you enjoy enough to do every single day! Many doctors and other health care practitioners recommend walking as the best overall exercise. Walking benefits every organ and system in the body. Best of all, it’s free!

Determine your mobility level and limits. Find something that is fun for you (see extensive resources on “Exercise” in the section on “The 8 Laws of Health”).
Whatever exercise you choose, do it every day. Complete at least 30 minutes of physical activity (can be done in two or three separate instances, if needed), preferably outdoors, with fresh Air and Sunlight. If weather does not permit outdoor exercise, do what you can do indoors at home, at a gym, or walking in an indoor mall.

Do not exercise if your BG is over 200 mg/dL. The problem is this: If your glucose is high and you don’t have enough insulin in your body to use the glucose (or, more correctly, if you are insulin resistant and your cells do not allow the insulin in), your cells will continue to signal they need glucose for fuel, and your liver will continue to put out that glucose. Without insulin sensitivity to let the glucose into the cells, the glucose keeps building up in your blood, pushing your blood glucose levels higher and higher.

I once asked my doctor if I needed to exercise every day. Her response: “Are you a diabetic every day?”

Adventist Vegetarian Diabetics™ Recommends:

    1. Remember to take water with you.
    2. Wear good walking shoes and clothing for the activity (sunglasses, hat, etc.).
    3. Wear a pedometer or fitness tracker (Fitbit, Garmin, etc.).
    4. If you can, include HIIT (high-intensity interval training) in your daily walks.
    5. Increase (or decrease) time/distance/number of steps until you find what is right for you.
    6. Record your activity in your daily journal so you can see how exercise affects your blood sugar.