Foot Health Awareness

Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetic Foot Care

Session 46 How to Avoid Amputations and Foot Care – Dr. Richard K. Bernstein, MD [14:12]

Dr. Richard K. Bernstein, author of Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars, says, “The incidence of limb-threatening ulcerations in diabetics is very high, affecting approximately one in six to seven patients. Nonhealing ‘diabetic’ ulcers are the major cause of leg, foot, and toe amputations in this country, after traumatic injuries such as those occurring in motor vehicle accidents. These ulcerations do not occur spontaneously; they are always preceded by gradual or sudden injury to the skin by some external factor. Preventing such injuries can prevent their sad consequences.” Dr. Bernstein gives a detailed list of foot care essentials, the most important of which is this: “Phone your physician immediately if you experience any injury to your foot. I consider even a minor foot injury to be an emergency. Procrastination can be disastrous.”

Diabetic Foot Care

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