November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, with World Diabetes Day on November 14. This is a perfect time to focus on the seriousness of diabetes, its complications and consequences, and gain new understandings of how to prevent them in your own life. Since it has been six months since The 30-day Richard Osborn Challenge (in May) when you challenged yourself to increase your exercise regime, November is a good time to check up on how you are doing with walking, running, biking, swimming, or whatever you have chosen to do. Since November is mostly cold weather (in the Northern Hemisphere), it is a good time to explore indoor exercise options. It’s also a good time to focus on exercise options for mobility challenges. Finally, November is a good month to gain inspiration from the success stories of other diabetics.

But first, check your monthly progress.

November 1 – Check Your Progress

Goal: To measure and evaluate your progress.

  • Check and record your
    • Weight and body measurements
    • Clothes sizes (shirt/top, dress, skirt, pants, shoes, underwear)
    • Blood pressure and heart rate
  • Compare to the first day of the previous months.
  • Compare your daily average blood glucose for the previous months.

First Wednesday in November – National Stress Awareness Day