Goals: To establish a routine of good habits that will help improve your diabetic health, regardless of your dietary lifestyle.

These are cumulative activities for the month of January. Start with using your blood glucose meter daily as described in Week 1. Beginning with Week 2, continue to use your blood glucose meter daily and add the water. In Week 3, continue with the blood glucose meter and water and add vegetables. During Week 4, continue the blood glucose, water, and vegetables and add exercise, preferably outdoors with fresh air and 20 minutes of sunlight.

Day 1 – Get a Baseline

Goal: To measure and evaluate your progress.

  • Check and record your weight and body measurements.
  • Check and record your blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Record your clothes sizes: shirt/top, dress, skirt, pants, shoes, underwear.
  • Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, don’t check these again until the first of next month.

Now, move ahead to the January challenges!